Thursday, January 12, 2017

Where Are the Scientists When I Need One?

     Our last day in Lincoln City is another sunny but cold day. All week we have watched the tide come in at night and go out during the day. Not this morning. For some reason the tide has reversed!. It was out when we woke up and began to come in during the morning.
Around noon we walked down the street to "World Famous MO's" for steamers and chowder. Pretty good but too many potatoes in the chowder for our tastes.
World Famous Mo's


     As we were leaving we asked the waitress about the change in the tide.. A woman from the next table came over, introduced herself as a "citizen scientist" and explained that the full moon and the time of year caused the tide to reverse. She was out with her camera to document the change of tidal flow. I hope this makes sense to my science friends, if it does please explain it to me.

After a few errands we headed over to a beach to watch surfers brave the cold and some large waves,(6-8 feet). They were generally unsuccessful but a definite A for effort.
There really are surfers out there

We went beach combing for agates which are reported to be all over the beaches here. Since geology is not my thing I am not exactly sure what an Agate in the Wild looks like. The pictures on the Internet were less than helpful so we decided to go for the ones that were lighter in color, a little bit shiny and basically looked like Jelly Bellies.
Which ones are Agates?

     It was warm enough to sit on our balcony for a while this afternoon watching the waterbirds and the tide go in/out. It has been a peaceful and relaxing week here but tomorrow it is time to continue North.

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