Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Capitol Idea

I know. I jinxed it. It rained all day Tuesday. We took a drive around the island in search of better Internet service but it was not to be found. So back to the  house for chicken and dumplings for  dinner and 7 Years in Tibet.

It rained heavy all night but we needed to get some business done that required a reliable Internet connection so off we went to catch the Ferry back to the mainland.  Apparently Wednesday is the day the propane trucks make their deliveries to the island and they all get transported at once. After waiting 45 minutes for three trucks to load onto the ferry, they left without us! I guess people and propane don't get to travel together.  It took us over 2 hours to wait and then arrive across the sound, at which time the rain returned.

It was after 1:30 when we arrived at our lunch destination, Mediterranean Breeze in Olympia. A delicious lunch of Turkish fare put us in better moods,(get the pickles and the Bulgar.)

It's rainy but not cold so we went by the State capitol. 
We were here 24 years ago so we didn't go in,  besides we were still looking for a place to get connected. After driving through the city we found the library, always a great place to spend a rainy afternoon.

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