Tuesday, January 10, 2017

It's Snowing in Ashland!

My friends in the Midwest laugh at my excitement but for this California Girl, snow is exotic. I have seen it before of course, Family trips to Big Bear or Idyllwild to build snowmen; I even attempted to ski once (a broken ankle disaster). But to me Ashland Oregon is a summer place; home of the Shakespeare Festival I had attended as a child and adult. It is NOT a winter wonderland.

As we drove from San Francisco through the mountains the sparkling beauty of the sun on the snow entranced me. This was not deep snow, not dirty "its been here for months" snow or even "I have to get to work" drive through snow. It was holiday snow, vacation snow, lovely, frosty, snowy snow.

Across the border the beauty continued as we stopped for the night in Ashland. The streets were quiet on a Thursday evening, still bright with holiday lights that had not yet been removed. We ate dinner at Larks- a farm to table restaurant in the Ashland Springs Hotel at a quiet table by a window.
The food was amazing,(they had me at roasted brussel sprouts). The staff were very friendly and helpful, and anxious to assure us that this was unusual for southern Oregon. Rain-of course. Snow -not so much.
We wished -as usual- that we had more time to spend there but our true destination, Lincoln City and the Oregon Coast awaited.

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