Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New Year-New Adventures

Here we go again. 2017 finds your favorite retired teachers continuing their vagabond life. If you know our story you should skip this part.

Upon retirement from 30+ years of public school teaching in Southern California my husband John and I made the bold choice to sell our home and hit the road..our first excursion was a 6 week college football safari to the Pacific Northwest . This trip,  (documented at boysofautumn.com) was also my first attempt at blogging. Spring of 2016 found us travelling to Florida for spring training and the opening of baseball season, cruising across the Atlantic ocean and driving through Continental Europe,returning to the U.S. in July for some time spent in New York City and Vermont. We were on the road from March 1 - Mid July.

Now I know that sounds terrifying or fabulous depending on your level of adventure and adaptability. For us it has been exciting and in many ways liberating. I hope to be able to use this site to document and share our adventures in 2017. Please follow us as we continue our experience as Citizens of Roam.


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