Monday, August 7, 2017

From the Wrath of the Norseman

From the wrath of the Norsemen…. This is the only quote I know of from the Book of Kells. I don't know anyone who knows any other. Maybe my friend Jeannie. The point is the irony of this book being displayed a few miles from the Dublinia museum was not lost on me. Dublinia shows the history and influence of the Vikings in Ireland. Their contributions made me feel better about the pillaging and plundering my Scandinavian ancestors had perpetrated against my Irish ones, (Actually, the Swedes raided in Russia and the Baltics, but you get the point).
    The Book of Kells,kept at Trinity College Library, is an Illuminated manuscript in Latin containing the four Gospels of the New Testament.  I think it is important to note that the Vikings attacked the Christian monasteries not because they had a problem with the religion but because that is where the valuables were located. This included the gold leaf used on many pages of the handwritten and illustrated writings of the early Middle Ages.
    As it turns out my opening quote is not from the Book of Kells but a prayer of Celtic Monks: “From the fury of the Northmen, O Lord deliver us.”  Despite the Vikings’ plundering of all things holy, the Irish eventually gave them Christian faith. In return, the Vikings gave the Irish towns and a place in the international economy.

   This turn of events brought together two groups of strong, creative and determined peoples as we saw in the exhibits at Dublinia From the long ship in the front to the recreated villages and homes inside we were able to follow the influence of the Vikings on the lifestyle and economy of the Irish. I think Grandpa Olaf and Grandpa Seamus would be proud of the result.

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