Tuesday, February 14, 2017


     February has always been a transition month for us. February was the month John proposed, beginning our transition from the single life to being a permanent couple  Most years it was simply the month between the end of football season and the return of baseball.We often referred to it as our theater season as the presidential holidays provided us three or four day weekends in which to attend a concert or a play or see a movie or two. Last year the days of February were filled with preparation for what has become our greatest transition to date, our nomadic lifestyle.
     When we sold and stored and cleaned and cleared out our possessions we thought it would only be until July. The plan was to find a place to rent until we decided where we wanted to buy our next home. But a funny thing happened. Instead of being exhausted by the travel, we were exhilarated. We started to ask ourselves "What If"?  What if  we don't buy a house right now? What if we leave our stuff in storage? What if we go where and when we want, without worrying about our "stuff"?
     And so here we are. one year later and just as excited about our next adventure as we were about our last. Thankfully our parents have guest rooms in both of their homes so we can stay with them
as we pause, pack and prepare for the year ahead.

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